Toronto Pick-up Soccer
Generally, all pick-up games are open to anyone. You are welcome
to show up and join the game.
A usual pickup game uses arbitrarily selected size of the field to
match the number of players and intensity of the match. In most games,
there are no real sidelines, other than natural boundaries or obstacles,
although some games are played on marked fields. Some players bring
cones or small portable goals, some use only shoes or shirts for goals.
Toronto pick-up soccer games usually have no referees.
Soccer in Toronto is gaining popularity and many fields
are getting crowded, so you can expect that certain fields will cap
the number of players to first 20 or so. It is a good idea to bring
2 shirts, one in dark and one in light color, since many games are played
in traditional white vs. dark shirts teams.
The main idea is to have fun!